I need help teaching my child to read and write!

Where do I begin? Why are they struggling to read and write? My child is struggling to read. What do I do? How can I successfully teach my child to read and write?

These are all questions that I get from parents! I know that teaching a child to read can be overwhelming and confusing! I want to simplify the process! I had thousands of hours of training to learn how to successfully teach children to read! I then had thousands of hours implementing what I learned.... and I had up to 50% gains in reading abilities with my first-grade class! This is an unheard-of gain! On average my gains were around 5% each year. The transformation I saw in their reading abilities AND confidence was out of this world! I know that hard work, perseverance, and the knowledge within this course will help you gain confidence in teaching your child. Not only do you gain confidence but the confidence you will see in your child will be worth every penny!

My district in Utah was number 1 in literacy scores in K-3. EVERY child deserves to learn to read and write. Why? Well, learning to read and write will help you learn to THINK! If you can learn to read, write, & think, it will create an unstoppable society! Let's go on this amazing journey of educating the next generation!

Unlock Your Child's Potential: Join Our Science of Reading Simplified Course for Parents

Did you know that over 60% of US students fall below grade level in reading, with the steepest decline occurring in grades K-2? Literacy is not just about reading; it's the key to unlocking a world of opportunities for your child.

Literacy impacts every aspect of life—career, financial independence, healthcare, and beyond. As Frederick Douglass wisely said, "Once you learn to read, you will be forever free."

Parent Involvement Matters!

Studies show that parents play a crucial role in early literacy achievement. Take charge of your child's future by enrolling in our groundbreaking literacy course designed for parents.

#1 in K-3 Literacy Scores in Utah (2023)

I am dedicated to making a difference, I left my job to create resources based on thousands of hours of training and real-world implementation. My district achieved the top spot in K-3 Literacy Scores, and now I'm sharing my expertise with you!

The Science of Reading: 8 Foundations of Learning to Read

My comprehensive course delves into the Science of Reading, backed by 70 years of brain research. Learn the 8 foundations crucial for your child's success in K-3 literacy. Equip yourself with practical skills and insights beyond what schools can provide.

Empower Your Child's Journey

Schools are doing their best, but I believe it's not enough. Our course is your opportunity to make a lasting impact. By investing in your child's literacy journey, you are setting the foundation for a bright future.

Course Highlights:

  • Understand the Science of Reading
  • Learn the 8 Foundations of Learning to Read
  • Practical strategies for parent-child engagement
  • Equip your child with essential literacy skills
  • Expert insights from my district's success story

It Starts with You!

Enroll now and be the driving force behind your child's literacy success. Let's empower the next generation with the transformative gift of reading.

📚 Because every child deserves the gift of literacy! 📚


Tutors are expensive. You can spend hundreds maybe even thousands of dollars a month. This course is only $199.00 and you have access to it for life!

You don't have to drain your bank account to ensure your child has success in reading and writing!

Is this course an easy fix? No. It will take time, perseverance, and hard work from both you AND your child. But anything worth doing is going to be hard. Right?

Science of Reading Simplified Course Outline

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Oral Language
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Phonological Awareness
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  High-Frequency Words
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Reading Comprehension
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll


Check out my full website

You will find my digital resources, blog, and so much more! You can use these resources to continue your child's literacy journey! Click on the picture to check it out!